Ingredients Page

What Are SightCare Ingredients? What Do They Do?

Compound Included in SightCare Amount Per Serving (mg) % of Daily Value
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) 200 mg **

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is an organic compound functioning as an antioxidant. Produced within the mitochondria of cells, it is also present in various foods and available as a supplement.

Research indicates that ALA effectively contributes to the reverse aging process in certain stem cells.

Quercetin 250 mg **

Quercetin, an antioxidant, combats free radicals in the body. Human studies conducted in Japan indicate that quercetin is particularly effective in safeguarding the retina, which is the eye component responsible for enabling us to see in vibrant natural colors.

By maintaining the health and protection of the retina, quercetin plays a crucial role in ensuring clear and sharp vision.

Lycopene 10% 50 mg **

Lycopene stands out as the most potent antioxidant among carotenes. Experts regard it as the "most efficient biological carotenoid for quenching singlet oxygen."

Being a carotenoid, lycopene is instrumental in combating free radicals. Substantial research suggests that it plays a significant role in reducing the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts, with low levels of lycopene linked to an increased risk of age-related macular degeneration.

Marigold Extract (Zeaxanthin 5%) 100 mg **

Zeaxanthin, a plant-derived carotenoid, is one of the two carotenoids located in the eye's macula, alongside lutein. The macula, part of the retina, is responsible for central and color vision. Since the human body does not synthesize zeaxanthin, it needs to be obtained through diet or supplements.

This compound is known for its strong antioxidant capabilities and is associated with various health advantages, including a reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts.

Lutein 5% 100 mg **

Lutein, a carotenoid, is recognized for its anti-inflammatory effects. There is extensive evidence indicating that lutein offers multiple health benefits, particularly for eye health.

Notably, lutein is effective in enhancing, and potentially preventing, age-related macular disease, which is a primary cause of blindness and visual impairment.

Rutin Extract 95% 125 mg **

Rutin, a crucial bioflavonoid, plays a significant role in preventing retinopathy and various vascular issues in the eye. A lack of rutin can lead to an increased risk of weakened blood vessels.

Bilberry Powder 100 mg **

Bilberry is rich in anthocyanins, compounds that give it its deep blue hue and are known for their potent antioxidant capabilities. These anthocyanins effectively neutralize free radicals, shielding cells from oxidative harm. By diminishing oxidative stress in the retina, bilberry aids in hindering the advancement of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and in alleviating its symptoms.

Bilberry has been demonstrated to enhance blood flow in the retina, a vital factor for optimal eye function. This improvement ensures that the macula receives sufficient nutrients and oxygen, crucial for its health. Enhanced circulation to the macula aids in preventing the buildup of waste products and supports the repair of damaged cells.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) 100 mg **

The ability of NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) to boost glutathione levels in the body is a key way it promotes eye health. Using NAC supplements, which are precursors to glutathione, helps the body sustain optimal levels of this vital antioxidant, thus shielding the eyes from oxidative stress and enhancing overall eye health.

In a study by Babizhayev et al. in 2012, the impact of NAC on age-related cataracts, which commonly affect the eye's lens, was examined. The results showed that the group treated with NAC eye drops experienced significant enhancements in visual acuity and lens clarity, along with a reduction in lens opacity, compared to the placebo group.

Vitamin A (as Palmitate) 90 mcg 100%

Vitamin A plays a crucial role in health, aiding in cell growth, immune function, fetal development, and particularly in vision. Its most notable function is in maintaining vision and eye health.

Retinal, the active variant of vitamin A, merges with the protein opsin to create rhodopsin, a molecule essential for color perception and vision in dim light. Vitamin A also contributes to the health and protection of the cornea, the eye's outer layer, and the conjunctiva, a delicate membrane covering the eye's surface and the inner side of the eyelids.

Vitamin B12 (as Mythylcobalamin) 24 mcg 1000%

Vitamin B12 primarily supports eye health through its role in red blood cell formation and nervous system maintenance. Disruptions in these systems can lead to vision problems. The nervous system facilitates communication between the brain and the eyes, essential for sight.

Vitamin B12 plays a critical role in protecting the nervous system, especially the optic nerve, which links the eyes to the brain.

Vitamin E (as d-Alpha Tocopherol) 50 mg 333%

Vitamin E enhances night vision by supporting the health of the retina, the light-sensitive layer located at the back of the eye. The retina is composed of cells called rods and cones that are responsible for detecting light and sending visual signals to the brain.

Vitamin E plays a vital role in preserving the health of photoreceptor cells in the retina, which includes rods and cones. Rods are responsible for vision in low-light conditions, while cones manage color vision and visual acuity. Therefore, Vitamin E contributes to the proper functioning of these cells, enhancing vision in dimly lit environments and supporting overall retinal health.

**Daily Value (DV not established)
Other ingredients: hypromellose (capsules), silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate


The FDA has not evaluated these claims. SightCare is a dietary supplement product that is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Mailing Address
Sight Care, LLC
PO Box 822
Indian Rocks Beach, FL 33785

Distribution Center
Sight Care, LLC
12800 Indian Rocks Rd N 
Suite 6B Largo FL 33774